ACHILLÉOS, Christos(*1947)
Farboffsetdruck. Bleistiftsignatur, Prägestempel. 1987. Exemplar: 212/325.
Blatt: 65 x 47,5 cm. Framed & behind glass:73,5 x 53 cm.
Britischer Illustrator, Maler und Konzeptkünstler, zählt zu den bekanntesten Fantasy-Künstlern der Welt. "[...] Most importantly the picture has to be pleasing to the eye, and if it also makes one think, then that’s even better. To me, being a painter is all about learning; each time I finish a picture, I like to think that I’ve learned a little more. There’s so much to learn, I could live ten lifetimes and still not learn it all!" (Zitat: Christos Achilleos, www.chrisachilleos.co.uk).