"Neuabgefaßte allgemeine und stetswährende Haus- Land- und Wirthschafts-Regeln"
In der Riegelischen Buch- und Kunst-Handlung. Nuremberg. 1770. 23.5 x 20.5 cm.
"... what is to be done and observed in every month as well in the field as in the cake-flower-orchard and vineyard; in the forest, at the cattle and horse breeding, the feathered cattle, the bees; the fishery and at home; likewise what is to be done and observed in every month for herbs blooming and gathering". (8), 260 pages with 20 mostly half-page engravings and numerous tables. Recent half cloth binding.
Limit 150 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -1233 days
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2021 | approximately 13:21 uhr
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2021 | approximately 13:21 uhr
Hammer price 150.00 €
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