Convolute 18 church hymnals
18 x 12 cm.
15x "Gesangbuch für die Fürstlich Reuß-Plauischen Lande älterer Linie", Greiz 1860 resp. 1864, of which 5x on the cover embossed "Heinrich XXII." under crown and 5x "Caroline" under crown. 2x "Collection of spiritual songs. Appendix", Greiz 1860, on the book cover each "Heinrich XXII." "Gesangbuch für die Fürstentümer Reuß, Greiz und Gera" 1911 . In varying condition.
Partly writing "Inventarium in der Fürstl. Schloßkapelle zu Burgk (Chor).".
Provenance: Princely House of Reuss ä.L.
Limit 20 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -1225 days
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2021 | approximately 20:07 uhr
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2021 | approximately 20:07 uhr
Hammer price 130.00 €
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