SEMLER, Johann Salomon
"Uebersetzung der algemeinen Welthistorie ..." 4 vols
" ... which has been completed in England by a society of scholars".
Printed and published by Joh. Justinus Gebauer. Halle. 2x1759, 1760, 1761. 24 x 21 cm.
19th and 20th part in one book. 19th part: "... History of Arabia from the times of Muhammad contains. ... therein the life of Muhammad historically and critically presented." Title copy, title page, (44), 703 pages and 4 illustrations, complete. 20th part: title copper, title page, 30, 724 pages and 3 illustrations. // 20th part: (double) "... which contain the incidents of the Arabian history continued in this part, from the 96th to the 566th year of the Heijra, or 714th to the 1170th year of the Christian era." 30, 724 pages and 3 plates. / 21st part: "The incidents under the Khalifat ... from 566 to 622th year of the Hejra, or year of Christ1171 - 1225. General History of the Turks ... Algemeine Historie der Moguln und Tatarn, von der Zeit des Jenghiz Khan." Title copy, title, 50, 664 pages and 3 illustrations and map respectively. / 23rd part: "Algemeine Historie der Turkmanen und Uzbeken. History of Hindustan or the Empire of the Great Mogul. History of the ... Peninsula of India". Title copper, title page, 30, 678, (34), 2 maps and 5 pictorial vignettes. 3x same leather bindings with heavy wear, blocks tight / One volume in vellum binding with heavy wear, individual pages loose, occasional paper tears.
Limit 80 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -1233 days
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2021 | approximately 13:00 uhr
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2021 | approximately 13:00 uhr
Hammer price 130.00 €
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