ELSHOLZEN, Johann Sigmund
"Neu angelegter Garten-Bau"
"Oder sonderbare Vorstellung Wie ein wohlerfahrener Gärtner nicht allein die schönsten Luft-Küchen-Baum- und Blumen-Gärten Auf unserm teutschen climate füglich anrichten, But also to raise, maintain and protect all kinds of rare flowers, plants and trees.
Published by Thomas Fritschen. Leipzig. 1715. 34 x 22 cm.
"Written in VI books and quite increased in this fourth printing." All books in one volume. Title page, (2), 258, (14) pages with 10 full page illustrations and 4 small illustrations in the text. Complete copy, in full leather binding, red edges. Only binding with some worming.
Limit 600 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -1233 days
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2021 | approximately 13:20 uhr
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2021 | approximately 13:20 uhr
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