3 complete works of art "Signature. Time - Writing - Image - Object" in acrylic glass frame
3 bound works with signed title page. Each with pencil signature on the title. 1984 - 2005.
Each a complete Gesamtkunstwerk of an artist in 3 of 40 volumes; edited by Hans Theo Rommerskirchen: Ernst Fuchs "Signature. Zeit - Schrift - Bild - Objekt Nr. 6", 1987, copy: 883/990 | Peter Rühmkorf "Signatur. Time - Writing - Image - Object No. 24", 1996, copy: 819/990 and Erica Pedretti "Signatur. Time - Writing - Image - Object No. 35", 2001, copy: 766/990, including CD.
Limit 120 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -993 days
• Calling time: 25. | Jun 2022 | approximately 11:19 uhr
• Calling time: 25. | Jun 2022 | approximately 11:19 uhr
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