2 miners. Fürstenberg.
F stamp, 2nd H. 20th c. From the series of "Great Mountain Gang". Design: 1757/58. FEILNER, Simon(1726 Weiden in der Oberpfalz - 1798 in Frankenthal/Pfalz or Mannheim). LEIMBERGER , Johann Georg(1717-1798)
White. H 21 and 17 cm.
1x miner at the winch. / 1x Gedingarbeiter. Tools of the Gedingarbeiter bumped.
Limit 20 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -744 days
• Calling time: 03. | Mar 2023 | approximately 18:01 uhr
• Calling time: 03. | Mar 2023 | approximately 18:01 uhr
Hammer price 80.00 €
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