2 busts of children
Each alabaster, 1x possibly Marmalyth, 1x beige marble base. Each circa 1900. small head "Frederic" inscribed with indistinct addition, in base company plaque Schumacher/Osterode. H 14,5 and 13,5 cm respectively (with base).
Lovely children's heads; the bust with straight bust cut, the little head with base. 1x minimal, 1x slightly bumped.
In 1887, the company "Werkstätten für Kunst und Kunstgewerbe Schuhmacher & Co., Osterode a.H." was founded. The founder of the company Gottfried Schuh. had developed a casting compound from plaster, the so-called Marmalyth and later the Harzilyth.
Limit 120 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -741 days
• Calling time: 02. | Mar 2023 | approximately 15:34 uhr
• Calling time: 02. | Mar 2023 | approximately 15:34 uhr
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