"Biblia, Das ist: Die gantze Heilige Schrifft deß Alter und Neuen Testaments. As such of Mr. Doctor Martin Luther Seel. In the year of Christ 1522 into our German mother tongue ... and some years ago already with the Summaries Mr. Johann Sauberti Seel. ... Samt einer Vorrede Herrn Johann Michael Dilherrns".
(In transfer Johann Andrä Endters seel. son and heirs). (Nuremberg). Circa 1720. 40 x 26 x 12 cm.
Endpapers with inscriptions, title copper, title page with missing part, (70), 1181, (23) pages with numerous illustrations and pasted images of saints on the back inside cover, in embossed leather binding. Without the electoral portraits, signs of age and wear, clasps missing, spine torn, occasional traces of old anobia.
Call time 28th | Oct 2023 | expected 10:00 (CET)
.Limit 90 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -500 days
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2023 | approximately 10:00 uhr
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2023 | approximately 10:00 uhr
Sold for 90 €
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