Convolute 28 children's books.
Ca. between 1895 and 1920s.
Speranza; Voigt: "For happy children's hearts" / Holst; Vietor: "The happy Mauseleut" / Pletsch: "For little people" / Kull: "The fair after the ABC", hardboard, rebound / Reinheimer; Vietor: "In flower heaven" / dslb: "Vom Himmel der Tiere" / "Deutsche Märchen", Cigaretten-Bilderdienst-Hamburg / Wildermuth: "Aus der Kinderwelt" / Bonsel: "Die Biene Maja" / Dingler; Vietor: "Der Heuschreck und die Blumen" / Baumgarten: "Zipfelheiners Abenteuer" / Doerfler; Eisgruber: "Peter Siebenklug" / 7 classic dt. Fairy tales from the publisher Jos. Scholz, Mainz / Busch: "Max and Moritz" / Andreas; Vietor: "Bienelinchen's adventures" / Bauer: "Elfchen's birthday" / Thiele; Sixtus: "Im Katzenkränzchen" / "Für artige Kinder" Hartpapp, (around 1895) / Steck; Blämer: "Der Wurzelsepp" and "Doktor Quak" / Kocher: "Troll on a wandering journey" / Reinheimer: "Die Wiesenapotheke". All with age-related signs of use.
Call time 28th | Oct 2023 | expected 11:02 (CET)
.Limit 20 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -507 days
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2023 | approximately 11:02 uhr
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2023 | approximately 11:02 uhr
Hammer price 170.00 €
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