Porcelain head girl "Jutta". Simon & Halbig, for Cuno & Otto Dressel.
Head mark: 1349 Jutta S & H 11. c. 1910.
Biscuit porcelain, mass. L 59 cm.
Crank head, blue sleeping eyes, pierced ears, long brown human hair wig. 15-piece limb body. Red patterned dress, old underwear, white leather shoes. Head x-rayed: without defects, at the back of the head manufacturing oval cutout. 1 finger glued.
Call time 26 | Oct 2023 | expected 10:26 (CET)
.Limit 130 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -505 days
• Calling time: 26. | Oct 2023 | approximately 10:26 uhr
• Calling time: 26. | Oct 2023 | approximately 10:26 uhr
Hammer price 130.00 €
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