WOYTS, Johann Jacob
"Gazophylacium Medico-Physicum Oder Schatz-Kammer"
"Medicinisch- und Natürlicher Dinge, In which all Medicinische art words, internal and external diseases, along with the same Genes-means, all minerals, metals, earths, foreign and domestic animals, herbs, flowers, seeds belonging to medicine ... much curiöse to the Mechanic belonging Kunst-Griffe ...".
In Verlegung Fr. Lanckischen sel. Erben. Leipzig. 1722. 21 x 17 cm.
Title copperplate, title page, (4), 1035, (69) pages, in vellum binding. Severe signs of age, dried plants enclosed.
Call time 28th | Oct 2023 | expected 10:27 am (CET)
.Limit 120 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -500 days
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2023 | approximately 10:27 uhr
• Calling time: 28. | Oct 2023 | approximately 10:27 uhr
Hammer price 120.00 €
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