9 books on the theme of luxury paper and greeting cards.
Maximum 28 x 25 cm.
When you meet the happiness delight (Eulenspiegel Verlag). / Pieske: The ABC of luxury paper. / Favalora: Valentines. / Gärtner: Beautiful greetings and good luck. / Pieske: The joyful event. / Wolff: Poetry. / Boetzkes (ed.): Live Bloom and Thrive. / Baeumerth: Raphael and no end. / Etter: Tokens of Love. 1 dust jacket slightly bumped.
Call time 26th | Oct 2023 | expected 15:43 (CET)
.Limit 20 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -522 days
• Calling time: 26. | Oct 2023 | approximately 15:43 uhr
• Calling time: 26. | Oct 2023 | approximately 15:43 uhr
Hammer price 70.00 €
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