HOMANN, Johann Baptist(1664 Oberkammlach - 1724 Nuremberg)
Historical Postal Route Map of Germany
Colored copperplate engraving.
Sheet: 52 x 61 cm.
Detailed, at the time pioneering map by the chief field postmaster Johann Peter Nell zu Damenacher (1672 -1743) showing postal routes and postal stations through Germany, with adjacent countries, heraldic title cartouche "Illustrissimo ac Excellentissimo Domino Dno Carolo Josepho [...]", with title in Latin in the upper margin "Postarum seu Veredariorum Stationes per Germaniam et Provincias Adiacentes", title in German lower right "Neu-vermehrte Post-Charte durch gantz Teutschland nach Italien, Franckreich, Niederland, Preußen, Polen und Ungarn etc.", legend and mileage markers, ca. 1720. Sheet foxed, back-taped centerfold, marginal browned and partly back-taped.
German cartographer, engraver, publisher and globe maker; most important German publisher of atlases and maps in the 18th century
Call time 26th | Oct 2023 | probably 16:50 (CET)
.Limit 80 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -504 days
• Calling time: 26. | Oct 2023 | approximately 16:50 uhr
• Calling time: 26. | Oct 2023 | approximately 16:50 uhr
Lot is returned to owner.
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