UPHUES, Joseph(1850 Sassenberg - 1911 Berlin)
Archery with hunted eagle
Bronze black-brown patinated, red marble plinth. Inscribed, casting mark "Akt.-Ges.-Gladenbeck-Berlin.". H 35 / 37 cm.
The naked Jüngling triumphantly hält his bow to heaven, während he in the other hand the shot eagle at the wing trägt. Patina rubbed, bow bent.
Sculptor in Berlin, student of the Academy Berlin (Meisterschüler of R. Begas). "Distinguished monument sculptor of the Wilhelminian era."
Literature : Thieme/Becker.
Call time 26 | Oct 2023 | expected 12:42 (CET)
Limit 750 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -522 days
• Calling time: 26. | Oct 2023 | approximately 12:42 uhr
• Calling time: 26. | Oct 2023 | approximately 12:42 uhr
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