Pigeon pillar. Fürstenberg.
F mark, 1760/70. FEILNER, Simon(1726 Weiden in der Oberpfalz - 1798 in Frankenthal/Pfalz or Mannheim)
White. H 27 cm.
At a pigeon house standing man feeding the pigeons. 1 pigeon, right hand and bowl of the man restored.
Call time 27 | Oct 2023 | expected 08:20 (CET)
.Limit 90 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -521 days
• Calling time: 27. | Oct 2023 | approximately 10:20 uhr
• Calling time: 27. | Oct 2023 | approximately 10:20 uhr
Hammer price 200.00 €
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