Miniature decanter with night glass, 2 decanters, 3 flasks and 2 jars.
19th century
1x miniature carafe made of colorless glass with melted white threads and pink thread, Murano: carafe (H 7.5 cm), beaker (H 4.5 cm) and plate (Ø 8 cm). / 2 cylinder carafes: 1x in clear glass with opal yellow inner rim (h 18.5 cm) and 1x in green alabaster glass with metal mount (h 15 cm). / 3 flacons: thread glass flacon with silver mounting (hallmarked; h 11.5 cm), baluster flacon of light green alabaster glass with enamel painting and metal mounting (h 8 cm), small flacon of colorless glass with facet cut and gold painting (this probably 18th century; h 7 cm). / 2 jars: 1x made of light blue alabaster glass with gold painting (Ø 6.3 cm) and 1x made of blue alabaster glass with metal mounting and a putti painting on the lid (Ø 6.5 cm). Plugs of the carafes probably replaced, carafe rims and 1 jar rim bumped.
Provenance : Collection estate from Hanover.
Call time 21 | Feb 2024 | probably 17:18 (CET)
Limit 150 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -390 days
• Calling time: 21. | Feb 2024 | approximately 17:18 uhr
• Calling time: 21. | Feb 2024 | approximately 17:18 uhr
Hammer price 150.00 €
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