GUTHRIE, Wilhelm and Johann Gray
"Allgemeine Weltgeschichte" 2 Bücher - Arabische Geschichte
"von der Schöpfung an bis auf gegenwärtige Zeit : which comprehends all known empires and states, their changes, constitutions, laws, religions, manners and customs, their growth in learning, the arts and sciences, commerce and navigation, together with their chronology, their antiquities, public buildings and particular rarities of nature and art".
By M.G. Weidmanns Erben und Reich. Leipzig. 1768/1769. 20 x 14 cm.
"6th volume, first section, nineteenth book . The history of the Arabs". Endpaper missing, title, (6), 925, (3) pages. / Second part. 646, (70) pages. Both in vellum binding with red edges.
Aufrufzeit 21. | Feb 2024 | voraussichtlich 15:35 Uhr (CET)
Limit 80 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -384 days
• Calling time: 21. | Feb 2024 | approximately 15:35 uhr
• Calling time: 21. | Feb 2024 | approximately 15:35 uhr
Hammer price 80.00 €
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