"Grundriß einer allgemeinen Logik nach Kantischen Grundsätzen" 2 Bände
bei H.A. Köchly und F.A. Lagarde. Leipzig / Berlin. 1824/1806. 20 x 12.5 cm.
"Erster Theil, welcher die reine allgemeine Logik enthält", Fourth legal, completely revised and much enlarged edition. 106, 520 pages. / Second part containing applied general logic. Second edition improved in several places. (6), 502 pages. Both in uniform leather binding. Signs of age.
The Berlin philosopher J. G. C. C. Kiesewetter (1766-1819) "developed an extensive teaching activity in Berlin as a Kantian: in 1789 he was appointed private tutor and educator of the king's three youngest children (Princess Auguste, Prince Heinrich and Wilhelm), in 1793 professor of philosophy and in 1798 full professor of logic with a teaching assignment for philosophy and mathematics at the Collegium medico-chirurgicum der Pepinière (since 1798 department of the military academy). One of K.'s students was Clausewitz. K.'s importance lies not in the development of his own teachings, but in the successful dissemination and explanation of Kant's philosophy. His extensive writings are dedicated to this goal" (F. Holz in NDB).
Aufrufzeit 21. | Feb 2024 | probably 15:51 (CET)
Limit 120 €
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• Calling time: 21. | Feb 2024 | approximately 15:51 uhr
• Calling time: 21. | Feb 2024 | approximately 15:51 uhr
Hammer price 120.00 €
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