HOMANN, Johann Baptist (1664 Oberkammlach - 1724 Nuremberg)
Historical postal route map of Germany
Colored copper engraving.
Sheet: 52 x 61 cm.
Detailed, at the time pioneering map by the Supreme Field Postmaster Johann Peter Nell zu Damenacher (1672 -1743) with postal routes and postal stations through Germany, with the neighboring countries, heraldic title cartouche "Illustrissimo ac Excellentissimo Domino Dno Carolo Josepho [....]", with title in Latin at upper margin "Postarum seu Veredariorum Stationes per Germaniam et Provincias Adiacentes", title in German at lower right "Neu-vermehrte Post-Charte durch gantz Teutschland nach Italien, Franckreich, Niederland, Preußen, Polen und Ungarn etc.", legend and mileage indicators, ca. 1720. Sheet foxed, backglued centrefold, margins browned and partly backglued.
German cartographer, engraver, publisher and globe maker; most important German publisher of atlases and maps in the 18th century
Aufrufzeit 15. | Juni 2024 | voraussichtlich 10:50 Uhr (CET)
Limit 80 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -270 days
• Calling time: 15. | Jun 2024 | approximately 10:50 uhr
• Calling time: 15. | Jun 2024 | approximately 10:50 uhr
Hammer price 100.00 €
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