Kunst-Auktionshaus WENDL, Rudolstadt in Thüringen


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109th | SUMMER AUCTION   –   12 | 13 | 14 | 15 June 2024

Biblia Wittenberg 1670
"Biblia die gantze Heilige Schrifft, Alten und Neuen Testaments, Deutsch, D. Martin Luthers, sampt D. Hütteri Summarien, ...".
In Verlegung Balthasar Christoph Wustens. Frankfurt am Mayn. 23.5 x 14 x 11 cm.
Bible in German, two columns with several engravings, plates and maps. Title copper, title page, (2), portraits of the 2 Saxon dukes, (108), pages, copper, 336 leaves, 226 leaves, (21) leaves appendix or addition of three books (Ezra and Maccab.), 159 leaves. In leather binding with embossed edges. clasps missing, spine torn. The last page and a calendar page at the beginning are probably missing. Not collated.

Call time 15 | June 2024 | probably 10:09 am (CET)

Limit 120 €

• LIVE Auction starts in -270 days
• Calling time: 15. | Jun 2024 | approximately 10:09 uhr
Sold for 120 €
Terms & Conditions of Sale
21,00 % Buyer's Premium (+ VAT) on the lot price

Winning bids placed via LIVE-bidding are subject to an additional charge of 3 % (+VAT) on the hammer price.
Auctioneers WENDL
Kunst-Auktionshaus WENDL
August-Bebel-Str. 4
07407 Rudolstadt

Phone: +49 (0) 3672 424350
Telefax: +49 (0) 3672 412296

Tue – Fr 9:00 – 12:30 & 14:00 – 17:00 | Closed on Mondays!
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