Kunst-Auktionshaus WENDL, Rudolstadt in Thüringen


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111th | SPRING AUCTION   –   26 | 27 | 28 February | 1 March 2025

2 writings from the early 17th century in one volume
13 x 10 x 8 cm.
Martin Lipenius: "Navigatio Salomonis Ophiritica illustrata", Impensis Andrea Hartmanni Biblio. Witteb, 1660. title copperplate (torn), (46), 826, (48) pages. In Latin script, with Hebrew parts. Compare VD17 3:308746H, but here more pages. Handwritten annotations. / Joh. Michael Dilherr: "Eclogae Sacrae Novi Testamenti, Syriacae, Graecae, Latinae, Cum notis & observationibus ita explicatae, ut, praeter rerum non inutilem cognitionem, adhibitis Grammaticae Syriacae Rudimentis, antehac excusis, Attentus Lector Linguam Syriacam proprio Marte possit addiscere ; Adduntur Indices locupletissimi, Et Manuale Lexici Syriaci". Jena 1662, Apud Joh. Lud. Neuenhahn. Title page, (34), 523, (119) pages, lacking engraving. In Latin and Arabic script, with Hebrew and Greek components. Includes a Latin-Arabic vocabulary list. VD17 39:141779D. In a parchment binding of the period, with blue edges .

Aufrufzeit 27. | Feb. 2025 | probably 13:11 (CET)

Limit 180 €

• LIVE Auction starts in -13 days
• Calling time: 27. | Feb 2025 | approximately 13:11 uhr
Hammer price 190.00 €
Terms & Conditions of Sale
21,00 % Buyer's Premium (+ VAT) on the lot price

Winning bids placed via LIVE-bidding are subject to an additional charge of 3 % (+VAT) on the hammer price.
Auctioneers WENDL
Kunst-Auktionshaus WENDL
August-Bebel-Str. 4
07407 Rudolstadt

Phone: +49 (0) 3672 424350
Telefax: +49 (0) 3672 412296

Tue – Fr 9:00 – 12:30 & 14:00 – 17:00 | Closed on Mondays!
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