LANCELEY, Colin(1938 Dunedin - 2015 Sydney)
"Bluebeard's castle"
Farbsiebdruck auf Karton. Bleistiftsignatur. 1968. Exemplar: 47/300.
Blatt: 103 x 70 cm.
In den Ecken kleine Löcher durch Befestigung, Blatt etwas gebräunt.
Australischer Maler und Grafiker: "To look at his paintings from any period is to see an artist who believed, with Matisse, that art should be a celebration of life and beauty. In Lanceley's case, a taste for vibrant colour was allied to the most painstaking composition. His best pieces are notable for their lyricism and visual intelligence." (Nachruf auf CL von John McDonald, in: The Sydney Morning Herald, 2015, https://www.smh.com.au/national/colin-lanceley-pioneering-artist-was-devoted-to-beauty-20150220-13k3d6.html).
Limit 240 €
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