Käthe Kruse Girl Doll. Type VIII, "German Child".
Stamped under the left foot. Dated under the wig, "June 1930".
L approx. 52 cm.
Crank head with 1 back of head seam, painted brown eyes, brown human hair wig. Cloth body with neck bib, rocker arms with elbow seam, legs with disc joints, one seam and additional knee seam. Bright floral print dress, white cardigan, younger supplemented shoes. Played with, face rubbed (no flare under UV), arms and legs soiled, open arm seam on right.
Limit 280 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -1222 days
• Calling time: 27. | Oct 2021 | approximately 15:02 uhr
• Calling time: 27. | Oct 2021 | approximately 15:02 uhr
Hammer price 390.00 €
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