5 Empire glasses.
Around 1800/1st h. 19th c.
Colourless glass, engraved; 4x with demolition. H 11-13 cm.
1x cylinder cup with floral decoration. / 2 different goblets with bulbous dome and floral-ornamental decoration. / 2 goblets with ovoids merging into the honeycomb-faced stem, round base; on the dome a stylized floral border and leaf festoons. Rim of the cylinder glass minimally bumped.
Limit 120 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -1104 days
• Calling time: 03. | Mar 2022 | approximately 15:31 uhr
• Calling time: 03. | Mar 2022 | approximately 15:31 uhr
Sold for 120 €
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