UNOLD, Max(1885 Memmingen - 1964 Munich)
2 works: "The artist's parents" and "Tree studies"
2 pencil drawings. Each with ink signature.
Passepartout each: 39 x 47.5 cm.
"The artist's parents", sheet: 22 x 27.5 cm, inscribed "Dem lieben Vater zu Weihnachten 1896 Max", something grip-marked and foxing | "Tree studies", sheet: 24 x 32 cm, inscribed "Unold, 4th Gkl. 98", something grip-marked.
Limit 120 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -993 days
• Calling time: 25. | Jun 2022 | approximately 10:29 uhr
• Calling time: 25. | Jun 2022 | approximately 10:29 uhr
Lot is returned to owner.
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