Turned lyre player and bagpiper. Samson.
Crossed line mark, 2nd h. 19th c. Design: c. 1750. KAENDLER, Johann Joachim(1706 Dresden - 1775 Meissen)
Polychrome painted, gold decorated. H approx 29 cm.
On a rocaille base standing a hurdy-gurdy playing woman or a bagpipe playing young man. 3 pegs of the hurdy-gurdy and 1 index finger of the woman bumped.
Limit 240 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -1103 days
• Calling time: 04. | Mar 2022 | approximately 16:20 uhr
• Calling time: 04. | Mar 2022 | approximately 16:20 uhr
Hammer price 240.00 €
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