6 volumes 18th/19th century
Wilhelm von Lüdemann: "History of Greece and Turkey" - 4 volumes in one book.
P.S. Hillersche Buchhandlung. Dresden. 1827. 16,128, 131, 12, 172, 8, 159 pages, in half cloth binding. 17 x 10 cm. Spine somewhat damaged. / Friedrich Gottlob Klopstock: "The Messiah" - 4 volumes in two books. In the Bureau of German Classics. Carlsruhe. 1815. 28, 308, 24, 279 / 20, 436, 24, 292, (2) pages. Possibly missing a page in the title page. Half leather binding and marbled edges. 19 x 11.5 cm. / Antonii Lampridii (Muratori): "De superstitione vitanda sive censura voti sanguinarii". Apud Simonem Occhi. Venetiis (Venice). 1742. 23 x 17 cm. 2nd edition, published in the year of the first edition. Title, (10), 216 pages in leather binding. Library stamp "Bibl. Theologiae Prov. Hung. S.J." Important Italian scholar, founded Italian historiography. / "Collection of satyrical writings", Leipzig 1751, published by Johann Gottfried Dyck. 2 parts in one book, 212 and 288 pages, leather binding / "Sammlung einiger Ausgesuchten Stücke, der Gesellschaft der freyen Künste zu Leipzig", Leipzig 1754, published by Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf, 498 pages. Half leather binding
Limit 120 €
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• Calling time: 03. | Mar 2022 | approximately 11:49 uhr
• Calling time: 03. | Mar 2022 | approximately 11:49 uhr
Hammer price 120.00 €
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