ELSHOLZEN, Johann Sigmund
"Neu angelegter Garten-Bau"
"Oder sonderbare Vorstellung Wie ein wohlerfahrener Gärtner nicht allein die schönsten Luft-Küchen-Baum- und Blumen-Gärten Auf unserm teutschen climate füglich anrichten, But also all sorts of rare flowers, plants and trees to raise, maintain and protect from happening damage".
Published by Thomas Fritschen. Leipzig. 1715. 34 x 22 cm.
"Written in VI books and quite increased in this fourth printing." All books in one volume. Title page, (2), 258, (14) pages with 10 full page illustrations and 4 small illustrations in the text. Complete copy, in full leather binding, red edges.. Only binding with some worming.
Limit 420 €
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• Calling time: 03. | Mar 2022 | approximately 11:52 uhr
• Calling time: 03. | Mar 2022 | approximately 11:52 uhr
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