BRAUNE, Hugo Ludwig(1872 - ?)
Folder "Tannhäuser"
10 + 2 color lithographed wood engravings (?). Circa 1910.
35 x 30 cm.
Complete portfolio with 10 illustrations to Richard Wagner's "Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf der Wartburg" by Hugo Ludwig Braune; original cardboard cover, title page with contents, published by C.F.W. Siegel's Musikalienhandlung R. Linnemann, Leipzig; from the series "Richard Wagner's Bühnenwerke in Bildern dargestellt v. Hugo L. Braune". Leaves with water damage, cover glued, light traces of grip.
Limit 240 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -993 days
• Calling time: 25. | Jun 2022 | approximately 10:36 uhr
• Calling time: 25. | Jun 2022 | approximately 10:36 uhr
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