Early Plant and Pharmacopoeia
"Pedanii Dioscoridis anazarbei, de medica materia / Hhis accesit , praeter pharmacorum simplicium catalogum, copiiosus omniu ferme medelarum siue curationem Index".
Apud Ioannem Frellonium. Lugduni (Lyon). 1547. 13 x 9.5 cm.
Title, (2), 543, (43 notha), (25, Index omnium), (87 curationum) pages, with numerous handwritten annotations in black and red ink. 6 books in one volume. Embossed leather binding with clasps. Slight signs of age and wear. Very good condition for its age.
Description of the plants and their uses, in Latin.
Provenance : two ownership notes of 1552 and 1774.
Limit 80 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -991 days
• Calling time: 25. | Jun 2022 | approximately 09:17 uhr
• Calling time: 25. | Jun 2022 | approximately 09:17 uhr
Hammer price 6000.00 €
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