SCHUBERT, Gotthilf Heinrich von
4 volumes "Natural History"
"Anschauungs-Unterricht für die Jugend in Schule und Familien ...".
Published by J.F. Schreiber. Eßlingen am Neckar. 1843. 31 x 20.5 cm.
Rare, early edition of the widely used illustrative books, with even today fascinating, colored lithographs. "Natural history of amphibians, fish, mollusks and crustaceans, insects, worms and radiate animals" / "... of birds" / "... of mammals" / "... of the plant kingdom". With explanations in German and partly in French. In half leather binding. Strong signs of age and wear. Birds and amphibians: spine defective, block loose. Mammals: animal names inscribed by hand.
Limit 180 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -885 days
• Calling time: 27. | Oct 2022 | approximately 11:31 uhr
• Calling time: 27. | Oct 2022 | approximately 11:31 uhr
Sold for 180 €
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