DOBERS, Paul(1885 Breslau - 1959 Kassel)
6 different studies
6 drawings (ink, colored pencil and charcoal). Portraits of Rosenthal on verso with estate stamp "Paul Dobers Nachlass Nr." [HZ 515 and HZ 516].
Each 21 x 30 cm (or 30 x 21 cm).
2 studies with cats, 4 portraits: "Hilde Dobers, Erfurt 1947" | "Konzertmeister Rosenthal, Erfurt 1947" | "Prof. Rosenthal, Erfurt 1948" and lady in profile. Partly with light and water damage.
German painter and university teacher.
Limit 20 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -883 days
• Calling time: 27. | Oct 2022 | approximately 09:15 uhr
• Calling time: 27. | Oct 2022 | approximately 09:15 uhr
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