"Herzoglich S. Coburg-Meiningisches jährliches gemeinnütziges Taschenbuch" 1802, 1804, 1807
Zu haben bei dem Hofbuchdrucker Hartmann und dem Buchbinder Kleine. Meiningen. 13 x 10 cm.
1802:6 colored engravings, a map, a folding plate with family tree. Younger bound using the spine label. / 1804: 3 engravings, spine rebound younger. / 1807: 3 views on engravings, cover loose.
Limit 180 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -742 days
• Calling time: 04. | Mar 2023 | approximately 09:40 uhr
• Calling time: 04. | Mar 2023 | approximately 09:40 uhr
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