COORNHERT, Dirck Volckertszoon(1522 Amsterdam - 1590 Gouda)
3 allegories of patience
3 engravings.
Plate each: 20 x 25 cm. Framed & behind glass : Each 45 x 51.5 cm.
3 allegorical representations: "The Triumph of Tobias" | "The Triumph of Job" | "The Triumph of David" with accompanying text in Latin; from the series "Patientiae Triumphus Elegantisssimis Imaginibus Expressus" after paintings by Maerten van Heemskerck (1498 - 1574), 1559 (published 1638). Sheet each restored, each with traces of browning.
Dutch poet, scholar, politician and artist.
Limit 120 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -740 days
• Calling time: 04. | Mar 2023 | approximately 10:08 uhr
• Calling time: 04. | Mar 2023 | approximately 10:08 uhr
Hammer price 160.00 €
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