TICHA, Hans(*1940 Tetschen-Bodenbach). THIELE , Peter(*1938 )
3 pop art works
Ticha, Hans: "Stromnetzbetreiber", color silkscreen, pencil signature, copy: 33/100, [20]12, sheet: 29 x 20 cm | Ticha, Hans: "Zu Brecht Flüchtlingsgespräch", woodcut, pencil signature, [19]97, sheet: 22 x15,1 cm | Thiele, Peter: "Mann mit Mond", color offset print, pencil signature, 2016, copy: 83/100, sheet: 29,8 x 21 cm.
Hans Ticha - German painter, graphic artist and illustrator; is one of the most outstanding illustrators of the present and is considered the only pop-art artist of the GDR. He gave his complete estate to the German Book and Type Museum Leipzig in 2020. Peter Thiele - German graphic artist, draftsman and illustrator; professor at the Technical Georg Simon Ohm University of Nuremberg.
Limit 60 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -630 days
• Calling time: 22. | Jun 2023 | approximately 13:59 uhr
• Calling time: 22. | Jun 2023 | approximately 13:59 uhr
Hammer price 100.00 €
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