MERIAN, Matthäus(1593 Basel - 1650 Schwalbach)
6 historical views from "Theatrum Europaeum"
6 copper engravings.
Framed & behind glass : Max. 35 x 40 cm.
Historical depiction of the war fleet of the Venetians in the naval battle against the Turks in the Dardanelles "Vera delineatio ordinis bellique naualis Venetorum cum Turcis apud Dardaneli. Actual outline of the order vnd ship disputes of the Venetians with the Turks in the narrows bey Dardaneli Anno 1646", framed & behind glass: 31.5 x 34 cm, foxing, creases, corner torn off lower right | Historical fortification plan with depiction of the Battle of Dessau in 1626 during the Thirty Years War from 1618 - 1648: "Eigentliche Vorbildung der Mansfeldischen Niderlag bey der Tessauer Brücken, geschehen den 25. Aprilis an S. Marx tag. Anno 1626", framed & behind glass: 31 x 36.5 cm, centerfolds, soiled; from "Theatrum Europaeum" | Historical Representation of the Reichstag in the Imperial Hall, with additionally mounted legend, titled "Eigentlicher Abriß der Reichstags-Solennitet : so den 3., 13. Sept. diß 1640 Jahrs in Regenspurg bey eröfnung d' proposition angestelt und worde", framed & behind glass: 34,5 x 33 cm, foxing, centerfolds, backed tears | Historical fortification plan with depiction of the Battle of Tuttlingen in 1643 during the Thirty Years War from 1618 - 1648, titled: "Eigentliche Delineation welcher gestalt, die Frantzesisch-Weinmarischen Armee bey und in Tutlingen im Thonauthal [...]" , framed & behind glass: 32 x 41 cm, centerfolds, traces of handling | Historical fortification plan depicting the Battle of Breitenfeld in 1642 during the Thirty Years War from 1618 - 1648, titled: "Eigentliche Abbildung des Haupt Treffens zwischen den Kays. und Schwedischen Armeen den 23 Octobr. und 2. Nouemb. 1642 bey Leipzig geschechen", with additional mounted legend, framed & behind glass: 35,5 x 42 cm, centerfolds, foxing, traces of handling | Historical fortification plan with depiction of the Battle of Oppenheim in 1631 during the Thirty Years War from 1618 - 1648, titled: "Illustration of the ear and opportunity, since your Maystat the King of Sweden with dero armies set across the Rhine, the Spanish Reuterei put to flight and the city of Oppenheim eingenohmen 7. 9bris. 1631", framed & behind glass: 22.5 x 36 cm, some foxing, griffspurig.
Theatrum Europaeum - between 1633 and 1738 in 21 volumes published by Matthäus Merian and his heirs history work, which receives special significance for the contemporarily written descriptions of the Thirty Years War between 1618 to 1648.
Limit 90 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -594 days
• Calling time: 22. | Jun 2023 | approximately 13:03 uhr
• Calling time: 22. | Jun 2023 | approximately 13:03 uhr
Sold for 90 €
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