2 vitrine cups with gold painting.
"1x marked "Paris. Around 1800. france.
Polychrome painted, gold decorated. H cups 6,5 cm, Ø original saucers 12,5 and 13 cm.
Cylindrical cups with ear handles. 1x with lemon yellow partial background, oak leaf border and a rectangular cartouche on the front with the gold engraved depiction of a cupid with lamb and shawm; gilded inside. / 1x with matte blue background and the gold engraved depiction of a landscape island with woman, bird and memorial stone. 1 saucer with hairline crack, 1 handle old restored, 1x saucer mirror somewhat rubbed.
Limit 140 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -619 days
• Calling time: 23. | Jun 2023 | approximately 11:02 uhr
• Calling time: 23. | Jun 2023 | approximately 11:02 uhr
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