Convolute 8 Viennese bronzes
Bronze polychrome set. Motorcycle and frog F. Bermann; child and cat PBW (Petribronzen); pair of dachshunds indistinctly (probably F. Bermann) marked, rest unmarked. H 2,5 - 5,5 cm.
Letter writing angel ("I love you, Vienna 1906"). Dog on the motorcycle with moving wheels. Cat as chimney sweep and child with cat. Dachshund wedding couple and letter carrier dachshund. Budgie and frog king. Some paint chips.
Limit 190 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -630 days
• Calling time: 22. | Jun 2023 | approximately 15:48 uhr
• Calling time: 22. | Jun 2023 | approximately 15:48 uhr
Hammer price 260.00 €
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