(RICHTER, Christoph Gottlieb)
"Die redende Thiere über menschliche Fehler und Laster"
"bey ruhigen Stunden lustig und nützlich zu lesen".
Franckfurt and Leipzig. 1738. 16 x 12 cm.
3 parts in one volume. Conversation between a horse and a fly, 106 pages. "Second conversation between a mouse and a papagay", 122 pages. "Third conversation between a bear and a cricket", 80 pages, after which pages are missing. Jünger rebound in a binding with wooden structure, title page copied. 2 illustrations.
Aufrufzeit 24. | Oct. 2024 | probably 14:11 (CET)
Limit 60 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -138 days
• Calling time: 24. | Oct 2024 | approximately 14:11 uhr
• Calling time: 24. | Oct 2024 | approximately 14:11 uhr
Sold for 60 €
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