Kunst-Auktionshaus WENDL, Rudolstadt in Thüringen


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110th | AUTUMN AUCTION   –   23 | 24 | 25 | 26 October 2024

SCHEUCHZER, Johannes Jacobus(1672-1733)
"Kupfer-Bibel In welcher die Physica Sacra Oder Geheiligte Natur-Wissenschaft" Vol. 1
"Derer In Heil. Schrifft vorkommenden Natürlichen Sachen, Deutlich erklärt und bewährt". Johann Andreas Pfeffel, royal court copper engraver in Augsburg.
Printed by Christian Ulrich Wagner. Augsburg and Ulm. 1731. 38 x 24 cm.
"Erste Abtheilung Tab. I - CLXXIV, samt Vorbericht und Verzeichnis der Auctorum", "Darinn Die ersten 364 Tafeln Über die fünff Bücher Mose enthalten" Portrait of Scheuchzer, further engraving, title page, portrait of Pfeffer; second title, (50), 276 text pages and 174 plates, probably complete. In leather binding. First German edition. Opulent work, illustrated knowledge of the time by the best engravers of the time / Included: reprint of selected, coloured plates and an introduction to the work by Dr. Helmut Presser, Kalle-Aktiengesellschaft, Wiesbaden-Biebrich 1965.

Call time 24 | Oct. 2024 | probably 13:41 (CET)

Limit 1200 €

• LIVE Auction starts in -138 days
• Calling time: 24. | Oct 2024 | approximately 13:41 uhr
Hammer price 1200.00 €
Terms & Conditions of Sale
21,00 % Buyer's Premium (+ VAT) on the lot price

Winning bids placed via LIVE-bidding are subject to an additional charge of 3 % (+VAT) on the hammer price.
Auctioneers WENDL
Kunst-Auktionshaus WENDL
August-Bebel-Str. 4
07407 Rudolstadt

Phone: +49 (0) 3672 424350
Telefax: +49 (0) 3672 412296

Tue – Fr 9:00 – 12:30 & 14:00 – 17:00 | Closed on Mondays!
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