Crossbow 16th/17th century.
L 64 cm, W 62 cm. 4.3 kg.
Column extensively inlaid with bone, floral bone inlays and block band inlays on the sides. Engraved number "37" on the shaft. An engraved double fleur-de-lis on the front of the butt (butt cap). Fitted with sights and locking wing. In addition a replaced bolt. Dry cracks and defects on the bone plates. Metal plates screwed onto the nut area to stabilize a crack. Mechanics present. Bolt holder broken off.
Literature : Richter, Holger: "Eingedenk der alten Zeit - Die Weimarer Armbrustschützengesellschaft und ihre wechselvolle Geschichte", Weimar 2012.
Provenance : According to family tradition, the weapon comes from the stock of the Weimarer Armbrustschützengesellschaft.
Aufrufzeit 23. | Oct. 2024 | probably 19:24 (CET)
Limit 4600 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -139 days
• Calling time: 23. | Oct 2024 | approximately 19:24 uhr
• Calling time: 23. | Oct 2024 | approximately 19:24 uhr
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