Convolute of surrealistic works
2 color lithographs, 6 etchings, 9 lithographs, 2 color etchings. Each with pencil signature. Mostly 1960s.
Max. 42 x 59.5 cm.
19 surrealist works by various artists, including 4 etchings by Gisela Breitling (1939 - 2008), 3 lithographs by Peter Collien (b. 1938), 4 lithographs by Werner Hilsing (b. 1938), 2 indistinctly signed color etchings with surrealist creatures, 1 lithograph by Werner Pöschel (also Petit Frère, 1927 -2002) and 4 other indistinctly signed works.
Limit 20 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -1031 days
• Calling time: 03. | Mar 2022 | approximately 10:35 uhr
• Calling time: 03. | Mar 2022 | approximately 10:35 uhr
Hammer price 170.00 €
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