10x military depictions.
Almost all with blindstamp "H.A. Eckert, Chr. Weiß". Circa 1830. ECKERT / MONTEN / WEIß,
Colored lithographs. Approx. 36 x 26 cm.
4x Baden, 4x Nassau and 2x Würtemberg (Württemberg). Soldiers and officers in uniforms; partly in battle. All sheets inscribed, partly in French . Various paper qualities, partly trimmed and on backing paper.
Leaves from: "The German Army".
Limit 80 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -856 days
• Calling time: 29. | Oct 2022 | approximately 09:48 uhr
• Calling time: 29. | Oct 2022 | approximately 09:48 uhr
Hammer price 100.00 €
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