DE ANDRADE, P. Alphonso
"Der Glorwürdigen Und heiligen Mutter Theresia a Jesu Geist-reiche Lehr-Sprüch ..."
"... with Sinnrechesten Auslegungen und Gedancken volkommen erkläret; Auch mit Göttlicher Heil. Schrifft, HH. Vätteren proven stories and examples corroborated".
Published by Matthäus Rieger, bookseller. Augsburg. 1753. 21 x 18 cm.
Copperplate, title page, (32), 929, (121) pages with various indexes to find the sayings. Translated by Fr. Philippo a S. Eliseo, barefoot Carmelite. Leather binding with red edges. Due to age signs of use, joints little torn, minimal paper tear in the back without loss of text.
Rare work on the teachings of Theresa of Avila.
Limit 90 €
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• Calling time: 04. | Mar 2023 | approximately 09:07 uhr
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• Calling time: 04. | Mar 2023 | approximately 09:07 uhr