8 picture books
Around 1900 and 1st half 20th century. Maximum 32 x 25 cm.
Manz; Schicktanz: "Püppchens Himmelsreise zum Christkindel", Freyer-Verlag, Leipzig 1927, 32 pp. / Heinrich Hoffmann: "King Nutcracker and Poor Reinhold", Esslingen, 20 pages. / Denneborg; Weber: "Das Buch vom Kasperl," Georg Fischer Verlag, Wittlich. / von der Goltz: "Klein Stöffel und die vier Soldatenpferde", Albert Langen publishing house, Munich, (after 1918). / Cosmar-Moser: "Puppe Wunderhold und ihre Freundinnen", 236 pages, Stuttgart / Small album without further details with colored lithographs of playing children, 19th century, 10.5 x 15.5 cm. / Bimbach: "Kochbüchlein für die Puppenküche" Esslingen, 62 pages. / Aunt Betty: "Nuremberg Doll Cookbook", Nuremberg 1893, 64 pages, 12 x 8 cm. All with traces of use.
Limit 90 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -744 days
• Calling time: 04. | Mar 2023 | approximately 09:54 uhr
• Calling time: 04. | Mar 2023 | approximately 09:54 uhr
Hammer price 220.00 €
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