9 picture books
Probably mostly 1st half 20th century. Maximum 31 x 22 cm.
Fritz Baumgarten: "Hansel and Gretel", published by A. Anton, Leipzig. / Parin d'Aulaire: "Children of the Northern Lights", Vienna 1949. / Brzezowsky; Herget: "Joseph Haydn", Prague,Vienna, Leipzig (1917). / Fritz Reiss: "Hänschen's Ferientage", Esslingen (c. 1880). / Fischer; Holst: "Peterles Wanderfahrt", Alfred Hahns Verlag. / Grimm; Eberle: "Der Hase und der Igel," Wilhelm Daucher-Verlag, Stutgart (after 1945). / Ilse Petersen: "Der Wolf und die sieben Geißlein" (The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids), no further details, probably post-war production on gray cardboard, / S. von Olfers: "Eine Hasengeschichte" (A Rabbit Story), J.F. Schreiber publishing house, Esslingen. / Simrock; Junghändel: "Wedding of Hennig the cock and Kratzefuß the hen", without further details. All with traces of use.
Limit 80 €
• LIVE Auction starts in -745 days
• Calling time: 04. | Mar 2023 | approximately 09:55 uhr
• Calling time: 04. | Mar 2023 | approximately 09:55 uhr
Hammer price 80.00 €
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