Kunst-Auktionshaus WENDL, Rudolstadt in Thüringen


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102nd | SPRING AUCTION   –   3 | 4 | 5 March 2022

GRAVELOT, Hubert-François(1699 Paris - 1733 Paris)
5 views with funerary monuments of English kings and princes
5 engravings on laid paper. Each with watermark from a set by Gravelot.
Sheet each approx. 38.5 x 23.5 cm, each in passepartout 52.5 x 39 cm.
"Monument of King Edward and his brother Richard in Westminster Abbey" | "Monument of King Henry IV. in the Cathedral of Canterbury" | "The monument of Edward Prince of Wales Son of K.[ing] Edward III. in the Cathedral Church of Canterbury" | "The monument of King Edward III in Westminster Abbey" | "The monument in Westminster Abbey of K.[ing] Edward I.". Each handled and creased, each somewhat foxed.
French painter, draughtsman and engraver; among the most important French book illustrators of the Rococo period.

Limit 50 €

• LIVE Auction starts in -1118 days
• Calling time: 03. | Mar 2022 | approximately 09:05 uhr
Lot is returned to owner.
Terms & Conditions of Sale
21,00 % Buyer's Premium (+ VAT) on the lot price

Winning bids placed via LIVE-bidding are subject to an additional charge of 3 % (+VAT) on the hammer price.
Auctioneers WENDL
Kunst-Auktionshaus WENDL
August-Bebel-Str. 4
07407 Rudolstadt

Phone: +49 (0) 3672 424350
Telefax: +49 (0) 3672 412296

Tue – Fr 9:00 – 12:30 & 14:00 – 17:00 | Closed on Mondays!
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